Monday, 31 August 2009

I don't know what to say to that (uh-hum)

INC: So, what would you like for lunch today?

Cherub: Nothing

INC: Oh, okay. Here you go.

*Passes a handful of nothing to Cherub*

Cherub (angrily): Pfft. I didn't mean a real nothing.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Law & Order: WDTAOK Pt II

I tell you, you let a boy go to just one "Emergency Services" day at Kinder and this is what happens....

The scene is our kitchen. Bundle's police car has just caught up with Cherub's speeding hot rod and the dialogue goes a little something like this:

Officer Bundle: You were speeding again. I'm taking you to jail

Speeding Cherub: But, but, I'm a mummy

Officer Bundle: Well, they'll just have to miss you for a few days. Come on.

Speeding Cherub: But, I was only speeding to catch up with my darlings...

Officer Bundle: YOU DON'T HAVE ANY DARLINGS. You've told me that before. I'm locking you up.

[Escorts speeding Cherub to jail]


It's quite surprising that certain politic parties who like to run on a 'law and order' type platform have not lobbied to lower the voting age to four. That rumbling that you hear off in the distance is the start of the biggest landslide ever.

Friday, 14 August 2009

Cheer up with Cherub

I don't think I've ever seen a three year old comfort an older sibling before. It wasn't just a first, it was also incredibly sweet....

Bundle had been experimenting with stretching the arms of a small rubber frog (one of those incredibly cheap ones that you get in party bags) and sadly one of the legs had come right off.

It was Bundle's favourite blue frog and he was, for quite some time, absolutely inconsolable.

All my best efforts had failed, so Cherub decided to have a go at it. After not having much success initially, he decided to call in the big guns, so he went and found his favourite soft toy, just to see if Puppy could do it.

And it went a little something like this.

Cherub's puppy: Don't be sad Bundle, it's okay...

Bundle: *sniff* but my froggy lost a *sob* arrrrmmm...

Cherub's puppy: Well, you know, when I was a little boy, I had a toy like that too....

Bundle: You can't have been a little boy *sniff* You're just a cuddly, and cuddlies don't grow up...

[short pause]

Cherub's puppy: We-e-e-ell. When I was real.....

I'm not sure if it was because Bundle was so busy trying to figure out whether that made sense that he forgot to be sad, or because Cherub told him he had something on the back of his neck and then proceeded to poke him until he started giggling, but we had a happy Bundle again in no time at all.

And, once again, an awestruck and very proud daddy.