Saturday 12 January 2008

What took me so long (what took me all night)

Three and a half years.

Yes, three and a half years.

That is how long it took me to teach my children to say "You da maaaaan".

Honestly, I don't know what is wrong with me.

Actually, it's still a work in progress. Cherub, at 20 months, isn't quite doing three word sentences (apart from "Lift me up", "Give me candy" etc) but he happily joins in our regular "You da man" "No, you da man" type conversations by pointing at various family members and saying "Man! Man!".

Bundle also has the general idea, but being a stickler for good grammar he still insists on saying "No, You're The Man, daddy".

It's still fun.

The first few times I did this, my appallingly bad homeboy impressions were so comical that Bundle, in between endless giggles, gasped "I can't breath, daddy" on two separate occasions.

The only thing funnier than that was the reaction after I persuaded Bundle to sneak up behind Honey Bear and yell this phrase in place of the usual "It's story time".

It took just a moment to register what Bundle had just said and then my lovely wife laughed harder than I have heard her laugh in months.

And then we all joined in. There was much pointing of finger and tickling of already giggling children.

If our little family ever reaches consensus on which one of us is 'da man', I'll let you know immediately.


Melba said...

we all know, INC, that you ARE the man. and those two precious little boys of yours, they are the man too. and your wife.

[reminds self of life of brian movie. "i'm brian and so's my wife".]

I'm not Craig said...


Thanks. I should let you know that since I foolishly started this thing I have also been 'da puppy', 'da moose', 'da monster' and many more.

I have also had the pleasure of seeing my mother look completely mystified when we tried to explain what her grandson was saying.