Monday, 8 December 2008

Getting to yes

Bundle: Daddy, do you have brown hair

INC: Yes. And yours is blonde, isn't it? And it's very lovely

Bundle: Is it lovelier than yours?

INC: Yes. I think it is.

Bundle: Hmmm. So, can we agree on that?

INC: [beat] Ye-e-s. Yes, we can.

Bundle: Oh thank you.

[Gives INC a big cuddle to express his gratitude]


Melba said...

maybe the cuddle was to express his sympathy. for you having loser brown hair as opposed to lovelier blond hair?

just a thought.

too sweet.

I'm not Craig said...

No, definitely gratitude.

If only because that explanation works even without the need for me to have 'loser brown hair'