Sunday, 5 September 2010

Choo life

So, my father's day started at 5.20am, when Cherub decided that we all needed to be told that he needed to go to the bathroom.

My personal view here is that he can manage this activty perfectly well all by himself and my company is not required, particularly not, and let's be really clear about this, at 5.20 a-freaking-m.

I have a plan. Next father's day, we are skipping the presents. Instead, my boys are going to let me sleep past 7.30am for the first time in SEVEN VERY LONG YEARS.

When I set up this blog, I really didn't think the web address would still be relevant three years later.

Still, it's hard to be too grumpy when we spent the extra hours we had together this morning building a train out of lego-type blocks for Bundle's favourite cuddly toy to ride in, and the quiet morning was filled with cries of "Here come the wuffy train".

On the off chance that any guy with kids other than me ever reads this, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!


meva said...

As my beloved says, 'Every day is father's day'.

I'm not Craig said...

Meva, old mate, it's been far too long. Email me or something.

Also, Merry Christmas

meva said...

I am occasionally tempted to resurrect the old Bills and Moon, but then I remember that I have nothing to say!

Have a great Christmas with your family, INC.

I'm not Craig said...



One of my favourite blogging moments ever was Gigglewick's description of a dinner party where her husband was tipsily telling a group of people that the internet is full of people with nothing to say while Giggles was yelling from the kitchen "You're talking about me, aren't you"

Having nothing to say has never stopped me from writing. If you start up again, please let me know.

I'm not Craig said...

Oh, and I hope you had a great Christmas