Monday 28 May 2007

Law & Order: WDTAOK

It is not that easy to explain to a two year old why someone, who is presumably someone a bit older, feels the need to write his name and postcode all over the equipment at one of the local parks. However, Bundle has certainly grasped the concept that such behaviour is not to be encouraged. Our last conversation on the topic went something like this:

Bundle: Someone put paint on here too. That’s naughty.

INC: Yes. He will be in trouble when his parents find out.

Bundle: Hmmm. Someone will say “No” very loudly.

Two important things here. Firstly, at least now I know that my son has made the link between his parents saying “no” really loudly and him being in trouble. Secondly, I’m impressed that at the age of two my son has basically grasped the concept of how the Children’s Court is likely to deal with a teenager charged with criminal damage.


meva said...

Bundle is so cute!

Do you know, I still get the guilts when I hear someone say 'No' very loudly.

gigglewick said...


I will post shortly about Grizzle's conversation with his grandfather about electricity....


actonb said...

I ditto the cute comments. You know, I have such an interesting picture building up of Bundle. I see him as such a serious and solemn creature. But so very very cute!

My BFF's Dad was a Children's Court Magistrate. He wasn't one of the 'Say No' brigade, more of a 'Lock 'em Up' style Hanging Judge. Now he's in the District Court and seeing the same kids who used to appear before him at Children's Court. Must be so very disheartening.

I'm not Craig said...

Thanks, I think so too, of course. I am a bit concerned about the lasting guilt thing.

I am really looking forward to that

Hey hi, has that headache improved yet?

Bundle is quite serious and thoughtful at times, but he is also frequently very, very funny. Maybe I should republish a few of my early posts from that other blog.

By the sound of that, your friend's Dad's "lock 'em up approach" wasn't particularly effective, but then again I'm more inclined towards the 'say no' approach myself.

The criminal justice system can be disheartening, but I have also seen a few amazing cases of people who really do turn their life around. So I persist in working in it.

actonb said...

You know I can't hear (or read) the words Criminal Justice System without the 'ba bawong' L&O noise.

And giggle...

I would be a crap lawyer.