Monday 23 July 2007

Ways to freak out your partner # 276

Arrive home driving a car which inexplicably contains three children, instead of the single child you

a) left the house with and

b) gave birth to.

In this case, it was some surprise afternoon guests after a trip to the pool, but Mr Fix nevertheless suitably perplexed at the 200 per cent increase in children in a mere 90 minutes.

Madonna and early episodes of Home and Away lead me to believe that anyone can pick up some spare family members down the street if they create a hollow back story. I'm just living the dream, people.


River said...

Hee-hee, borrowed children. Many years ago I "borrowed" a couple of toddlers in strollers and took a long hot walk to my local doctor. (My eldest aged 8 pushed one of the Borrowed). I asked to have my tubes tied. He took one look at hot sweaty me and six children and said "how about Friday?" This was back in the day when such a thing wasn't usually cosidered for women under 35 or 30. I was 29.

actonb said...

We have a number of friends who find it very droll and witty to make comments like...

"We'll just leave X here (ChezB), they won't notice an extra head - especially not a blond curly haired one!"


It's probably true though.

gigglewick said...


goodness. I'm lost for words (as I suppose was the doctor)!


How Rude! On the other hand....RUDE!

I think your house sounds like a lovely and welcoming place.

actonb said...

The thing is, sometimes I swear MrB really wouldn't notice...

Ms Robinson said...

That was brilliant. Yes nobody in those tv shows lives in their own home. And many have no visible means of financial support. Is TV not real? I need to know.