Tuesday 24 April 2007

fairy tales

It can be awkward at times, but I love the fact that my kids still inhabit that sparkly world where Santa Claus and unicorns comfortably coexist with Reality. So I had a little moment of breath holding concern when I overheard this exchange between my girls:

MissMinx: I hope I never meet a bad fairy.

LadyMuck: No, this is just a movie, it's make believe, fairies aren't real.

MM: What...........No fairies?

LM: No, they're made up, like, you know, for stories.

MM: So, no fairies are real?

LM: Nope, no fairies.


LM: 'Cept the tooth fairy of course.



gigglewick said...

Hmmm. Grizzlewick has very little imaginary world, but he does get his movie cars out to watch 'Cars' with him.

And I'm pretty sure he takes Stuart Little at face value, although he doesn't believe that our cats can talk (and has chastised me when I say things like: "And then boof says..." with a stern "Boof can't talk mummy")

I'm not Craig said...

My boys are not much into fairies but we're still at teh age where Thomas the Tank Engine is based on a true story.

This applies to me too. The express train was late this morning and I found myself feeling concerned that the Fat Controller would speak sternly to Gordon when he found out about this.

Did I mention that we're very excited that you have joined us? Coz we are.

meva said...

Hey Miz! Good to see you're on board!

I love the imaginary world of kids, too. Except some nasty older kid told Bopper that the Tooth Fairy didn't exist. He looked stunned for a second, and then said "I know that. It's not real like the Easter Bunny!"