Saturday 24 March 2007

Are all boys created equal?

I'd been to the supermarket with my 5 year old girlchild Butterball and 4 year old boychild Bopper. We had paused in the toy aisle and purchased a Barbie for BB and a Ken for B. (I know! I should have been socially enlightened and refused to buy them such plastic examples of sexist stereotyping, but I'm easy.)

When we returned home, BB and B grabbed their new dolls and went racing into their shared bedroom to rip them out of their boxes. As I walked pass their room laden with shopping bags I heard the following exchange:

B: Oh! Ken's got no willy!
BB: No! That's strange. 'Cos, B, most boys have willies.

Hehehehe. Most.


Mizanthrop said...


I overheard a similar conversation between MissMinx (4) and LadyMuck (7), they were discussing their younger brother Groover (2), it went:

MM: Why does Groover have a doodle?
LM: Because he's a boy.
MM: Well, why do boys have doodles?
LM: Because otherwise they'd be girls.

Is it cowardly that I'm considering have LM answer all the curly questions from here on in?

meva said...

Miz, I think it's only reasonable that LadyMuck answers these types of question. After all, by the time she's 14 she'll know absolutely everything anyway, and poor old Mum will only be good to pay the rent and take out the rubbish.

gigglewick said...

hehehehe. Most.

Is study of the operas of the Italian castrato community big in your house, Meva?

I have spent the last (almost) four years trying to explain the biological differences between men and women without explaining the societal constructs of gender roles (because I'm a horrid old femmo) and I still get comments like:

"But only BOYS do that, that's a BOY job" (re putting petrol in the car....not sure how he got that impression).

actonb said...

In the House of Girl we have no need for such discussions...
Therefore, the first time I had to change my nephew's nappy, I freaked! Woah! How the hell do you work around that????