Monday 26 March 2007

Just Because

Eek! I'm the next in line to introduce myself here at Mommybloggers* Anonymous, so let me just grab my cup of tea and Scotch Finger biscuit and I'll be right with you...

Hi, I'm Actonb and I'm a Mommyblogger. Well, at least I am now! I'm 33, wife to the much-put-upon MrB, and mother to the 4 Misses B. I try to keep my Cute Kid stories to a minimum, but sometimes I just can't help myself... and I have also been known to show photos at Punters' Drinks (Grogblogging for ex-Radar addicts), but that's only because they asked...


Miss M is 9, going on 17. She's everything that I'm not - sunny, friendly, affectionate - but that is a Good Thing as she is also becoming adept at the eye-rolling, hands-on-hips, 'whatever' Attitude. She also has Dramatic Tendencies that MrB and I have been encouraging, and then immediately regretting. She can do the 'talk to the hand' whatever-flick with a hip jiggle and an eye-roll like she's come straight from the streets of Compton.

Miss H is 7 (8 tomorrow!) and is the most intensely vague child you have ever met. She looks like a mini-Galadriel, complete with sticky-out Elf ears emerging from her long white-blond hair. She rocks. I do not understand her in any way, but she rocks...

Misses I and O are 2½. They are our 'blessings'. I cried for a month when I found out I was having twins... but they turned out to be quite easy and adorable babies. However twin toddlers in their Terrible Twos is something quite different...

Yep, the B household is officially Bedlam.

*EqualResponsibilityParentingBlogging doesn't really have the same ring to it really...


Mizanthrop said...

Happy birthday Miss H!

I've been trying to imagine my 2½ year old in stereo....and now that I've done that I'm going to have a nice cup of tea to recover.

meva said...

Oooh! 8! Nearly double numbers. So Important.

And I love to hear about our future superstars, elflings and peaceniks. Adorable, all of them, I'm sure.

I'm not Craig said...

I am not a Mommyblogger!

Melba said...

you so are inc. face it.

ps so rapt there is no word verif on this blog.